Night Sky
Night Sky-
Dusk, takes over the sky. Small twinkles appear in the sky, the day is done to most. But some, are night-owls if you would say. You see, some do work during the night, while others are sleeping or relaxing from a long day. Night time can be many different things to people. However, I do know that, the moon shines oh so bright in the dark sky. The moon is a beautiful thing, truly. But stars, is what really brings the sky together. Stars die everyday, new ones are created, and its light twinkles so well in the darkness of night. Under the night sky, happy moments happen, fireworks on holidays, bonfires, maybe it may just be you on your laptop, or something so simple. But you do laugh, or smile while doing them I bet. The night seems so dark to people, they think it's scary, when it's not it's just simply a time change. Yes the lighting may be a bit dimmer then your liking but the dark won't hurt you. It's the people who are among the night with bad intentions. Not the sky. The night sky is a beautiful thing, it even lasts until dawn. All those little stars shine like a twinkling diamond , leaving many wondering what they are especially the little ones.
(Yes I know this is random, but hopefully you see the reference to a known lullaby in America.)
(Yes I know this is random, but hopefully you see the reference to a known lullaby in America.)
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