

                                When you get lost, you just find you're way by looking at a map.
                                 Perhaps someone you know can light the way for you. 
                                  You see, people get lost everyday. It's strange.
                                   It's not hard not to be lost. All you got to do is look, around you.
                                   Maybe talk to a friend, if that's not possible, just trust yourself.
                                    And, if you know your bad at trusting your self go the other way, 
                                    then what your mind says. But, no matter what we always get lost 
                                     somehow, someway, anywhere, and any-day. You may claim you
                                     don't, but somehow you are, you can be lost in a geographic state
                                      or even emotionally, perhaps mentally. Maybe you're lost in life.
                                      Someone is bound to help you find you're way and not be lost
                                       whether it be because that's just who they are, or if it's because
                                        they care about you.
